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Calculates probabilities in the group sequential setting.


getGroupSequentialProbabilities(decisionMatrix, informationRates)



A matrix with either 2 or 4 rows and kMax = length(informationRates) columns, see details.


The information rates (that must be fixed prior to the trial), default is (1:kMax) / kMax.


Returns a numeric matrix containing the probabilities described in the details section.


Given a sequence of information rates (fixing the correlation structure), and decisionMatrix with either 2 or 4 rows and kMax = length(informationRates) columns, this function calculates a probability matrix containing, for two rows, the probabilities:
P(Z_1 <- l_1), P(l_1 <- Z_1 < u_1, Z_2 < l_1),..., P(l_kMax-1 <- Z_kMax-1 < u_kMax-1, Z_kMax < l_l_kMax)
P(Z_1 <- u_1), P(l_1 <- Z_1 < u_1, Z_2 < u_1),..., P(l_kMax-1 <- Z_kMax-1 < u_kMax-1, Z_kMax < u_l_kMax)
P(Z_1 <- Inf), P(l_1 <- Z_1 < u_1, Z_2 < Inf),..., P(l_kMax-1 <- Z_kMax-1 < u_kMax-1, Z_kMax < Inf)
with continuation matrix
For 4 rows, the continuation region contains of two regions and the probability matrix is obtained analogously (cf., Wassmer and Brannath, 2016).


# Calculate Type I error rates in the two-sided group sequential setting when
# performing kMax interim stages with constant critical boundaries at level alpha:
alpha <- 0.05
kMax <- 10
decisionMatrix <- matrix(c(
    rep(-qnorm(1 - alpha / 2), kMax),
    rep(qnorm(1 - alpha / 2), kMax)
), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
informationRates <- (1:kMax) / kMax
probs <- getGroupSequentialProbabilities(decisionMatrix, informationRates)
cumsum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ] + probs[1, ])
#>  [1] 0.0500000 0.0831178 0.1072564 0.1261690 0.1416893 0.1548349 0.1662265
#>  [8] 0.1762705 0.1852468 0.1933566

# Do the same for a one-sided design without futility boundaries:
decisionMatrix <- matrix(c(
    rep(-Inf, kMax),
    rep(qnorm(1 - alpha), kMax)
), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
informationRates <- (1:kMax) / kMax
probs <- getGroupSequentialProbabilities(decisionMatrix, informationRates)
cumsum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ])
#>  [1] 0.05000000 0.08007553 0.10105396 0.11706445 0.12997046 0.14075942
#>  [7] 0.15001506 0.15811031 0.16529762 0.17175561

# Check that two-sided Pampallona and Tsiatis boundaries with binding 
# futility bounds obtain Type I error probabilities equal to alpha:
x <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.1, kMax = 3, typeOfDesign = "PT",
    deltaPT0 = 0, deltaPT1 = 0.4, sided = 2, bindingFutility = TRUE
dm <- matrix(c(
    -x$criticalValues, -x$futilityBounds, 0,
    x$futilityBounds, 0, x$criticalValues
), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
dm[] <- 0
probs <- getGroupSequentialProbabilities(
    decisionMatrix = dm, informationRates = (1:3) / 3
sum(probs[5, ] - probs[4, ] + probs[1, ])
#> [1] 0.05

# Check the Type I error rate decrease when using non-binding futility bounds:
x <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.1, kMax = 3, typeOfDesign = "PT",
    deltaPT0 = 0, deltaPT1 = 0.4, sided = 2, bindingFutility = FALSE
dm <- matrix(c(
    -x$criticalValues, -x$futilityBounds, 0,
    x$futilityBounds, 0, x$criticalValues
), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
dm[] <- 0
probs <- getGroupSequentialProbabilities(
    decisionMatrix = dm, informationRates = (1:3) / 3
sum(probs[5, ] - probs[4, ] + probs[1, ])
#> [1] 0.04730609